Saturday, 25 September 2010

Meet the New Boss

Generally, I'm not too keen on talking politics on this here blog, because there's so many people out there who can convey what I might think a whole lot better. But today, someone called Ed Milliband became leader of the Labour Party.

First of all, I was surprised to see he's 40 years old, when he looks about 18. The fact that he was competing against his own brother conjured up a nightmare vision in my head that there's a lab somewhere creating politicians. However, a wee bit of research shows his pop was some kind of Marxist, which is interesting enough. What is a bit depressing is that he seems another one of those whose entire life has been geared towards being a politician, rather then someone who's spent a bit of time in the real world with us proles first.

Nevertheless, Eddie can afford to chill the fuck out for the next few years. He can watch the current government fuck things up and devise some kind of plan to get into power, the only worry being his big brother having some kind of storp. Whether it'll make any difference to likes of myself, probably not. It'd be interesting if Ted decided to take the Labour Party back to some kind of socialist agenda, but I'm guessing we're more likely to see a full Beatles reunion.

In a way, it's strange to think that I've never voted Labour, given that I come from a town where, as my mother said, "if they put a donkey up for Labour, it'd still get in". My great-grandmother was involved in the party some 100 years ago and the idea of voting for anybody else would have doubtless never crossed my granddad's mind. Yet the world has changed, and Labour became New Labour, the graveyard for the dreams and aspirations for many a person.

Perhaps Miliband will surprise me. I'd like that to happen. I'm sure there's millions of left-wing voters like myself who'd love to back the Labour party again, especially after the Lib Dems jumped into bed with the Tories. He's got time to impress us, if nothing else it'll be interesting to see what direction he turns.

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