Saturday 2 June 2012

Four Days to Play

A long weekend for all us British types, then. Except those working on shifts, of course. But for the rest of us, four days off due to Her Maj's jubilee.

As someone with no respect for the royal family, it'd be easy for me to dismiss it all with a "I don't give a toss". But... I do give a toss as the idea of there being a group of people perceived to be my betters by chance of birth. It makes me very, very fucking angry.

Angry in that why in the year 2012 there is still a monarchy in this country baffles me. The arguments for them never cut any ice. Tourists would come regardless of whether anyone was living in the big houses - maybe more so if they were open throughout the year so our friends from Japan, America and the rest of the world can gawp at the place whenever they like.

As for the whole "who would you rather have? President Blair???" (and why is he always used as the example?) approach - well, yeah, not good, but at least we could vote any gobshite President out. Although I'm yet to have it explained to me why we'd need a Prez. What's wrong with having an elected Parliament and perhaps an elected House of Lords? The point is, having a bunch of idiots you can get rid of without waiting for Big Grim to get on the job.

Instead, we have some old lady who goes around the world waving and whose role in the running of the country seems to be signing any old shite laws put in front of her. As a person, she seems harmless enough, I grant you. When I think of her, I think of my paternal grandpop, as they were born in the same year. Her witless offspring, on the other hand... I guess we can blame that on the father.

Not to say that I suggest we follow the French or Russian solution to dissolving a monarchy. No. Instead, I think the Sue Townsend solution is the best: move them all into some council houses on an estate in Liverpool and let them make their own way in the world. Then we can finally get rid of the world's worst national anthem, the title alone  - I'd rather we had a tune called Spaghetti Monster, Look Over Old Mrs Johnson From Across the Road.

Extra day off work is good, though.

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