Sunday 8 August 2010

Crime and Punishment

Something that having to spend your seven plus hours a day in the workplace does, for me at least, is lower your tolerance for the human race in general. Petty things become issues of grave importance and it becomes half the job keeping your mood in check.

It's not even stuff like other people nicking your milk. That's personal. What is happening to me is that irrelevant matters are starting to gnaw at my brain like some freakish alien parasite. Recently, everytime I've had to bob into the Gent's WC (which happens to be quite often these days due to the increased amounts of coffee I need to stay awake), the sink tap is always running. Sometimes it's just a dribble, which I can pass off as not deliberate, but others it's fully on.

And this is really, really irritating me now. I wish I could say it was a fit of environmentally-friendly pique, but it's not. It's just getting to the point of obsession causing me to have daydreams of taking on a Columbo persona, dusting the taps for fingerprints or setting up a hidden camera outside the door so I can view just who was last in before me.

Quite what I'd do if I actually did know, I can't say. Nothing, probably, except perhaps aim a really contemptuous stare at the guilty party when they weren't looking. That'll learn them.

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