Tuesday 31 August 2010

Time of the Season

In the little sphere of existence known as 'my head', today is the last day of summer. The first of September sees the start of Autumn, just as June 1st was the start of summer.

And I'm almost glad to see it gone, as it's never been my favourite season. Perhaps it's just the constant theme of anti-climax running through my life, but it never seems to match up to any promise it may offer around Springtime. The World Cup is usually dull, the weather remains generally as crap as it usually is and even when it's not, I've got no decent clothes to wear and my cool black overcoats have to be retired to the cupboard. There is real amusement to be had when the latest British contender fails on their arse at Wimbledon, but it's not what you'd call satisfying.

A lot of this, I think, is part of the whole growing up deal. After all, when you're a kid you look forward to the six weeks out of school. Brilliant. I'm sure we all remember the tremendous excitement of the last day of term. For me, this extended into my student days when I was frankly far too lazy to get any summer work and would happily laze around watching reruns of Quincy, Ironside and Columbo, content to be skint.

(Incidentally, back at the start of the school summer hols, I noticed a sign by a local posho school advertising stuff they did to stop kids getting bored. Bored? Fuck me! Back when I was 12, we only had enough TV channels you could count on one hand and a copy of Championship Manager '93, and that was enough to keep us occupied for two months easy. Maybe kids all do have that Attention Deficit thing nowadays. Either that, or they're all complete twats.)

It changes later, and you see the procession of people spending most the year looking forward to the big two week summer holiday. The feeling I have is that there's got to be something more than this, surely? That said, I spent a bit of time today working out how many days are left to Christmas, when I can take another week off work. Humph.

So yes, another summer passes by like a ghost ship in the night, leaving me to balance the negatives and the positives. I feel in years to come, this'll go down as a time I'll remember for various reasons but for now I'll just say "eh".

A final reason for liking this time of year is that my slacker teacher brother has to drag his lazy arse back to work now. (Only joshing, kidda)

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